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Wesley Willis is a rock and roll star, he could really kick a horses bootie hole.




Newsflash: I was recently in Chicago, and looked the streets over for a fat man and his Casio, but alas, none were found. I think Wesley has moved on from the beloved homeless streets of Chi town.

This page was created as a comprehensive source for information about the artist known as Wesley Willis. In case you've never heard of Wesley Willis before, let me tell you a little about the man. He's 6 foot 5, weighs somewhere between 300 and 350 pounds, and likes to greet people with a headbutt. He also suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, and claims to have "schizophrenia demons" in his head that take him off of his "harmony joy rides" to put him on "torture hell rides".

He lived on the streets of Chicago, selling his city landscape and skyline drawings and playing his music on his keyboard. In true "American Dream" fashion, he managed to cut a few albums, got discovered, and is now an artist under Dino Paredes and American Recordings. He has released at least 20 albums as a solo artist and with his punk rock band, the Wesley Willis Fiasco, and has over 400 songs in circulation.

Listen to Wesley Willis sing Rock and Roll McDonald's!

Here are the Lyrics to Rock n Roll McDonald's, my favorite song by Mister Willis. The just shows the genius that is Wesley. Please remember to vote for your favorite rocker, Foo Fighter Dave Grohl or Wesley Willis. Check out the Foo Fighter Thong to counter.


McDonald's is a place to rock
It is a restaurant where they buy food to eat
It is a good place to listen to the music
People flock here to get down to the rock music

Rock n Roll McDonald's
Rock n Roll McDonald's
Rock n Roll McDonald's
Rock n Roll McDonald's

McDonald's will make you fat
They serve Big Macs
They serve Quarter Pounders
They will put pounds on you


McDonald's hamburgers are the worst
They are worse than Burger King
A Big Mac has 26 grams of fat
A Quarter Pounder has 28 grams of fat


Rock over London, rock on Chicago
Wheaties - breakfast of champions

Wesley Willis is by the way Bruce's brother, except he was born to a different mother, and oh yes, a different father.