Welcome, I am MISTER LUKE, and you are IN MY PANTS!!!
view with discretion


intro to me
my schedule
my art
my pictures
view with discretion
in jebus name
F. B. I.
zipper lint
my diary

this is....Carl's Crack.

This is a page full of crack, in my pants. I have a friend, who I would like to remain nameless for the time being, who has a bit of a problem keeping his britches above the sea level. It is so nice, that I decided to provide some sample pictures and such that will demonstrate what I mean.

If you are in the business of crack dealing, let me tell you, this is the highest grade crack in the state of Missouri. Better hurry and snatch it up before it consumes you!


I saw Road Trip with the man, the myth, the legend. The movie was funny, the m,m,l had fun, I had fun. We laughed. We saw Aaron Clarke. He saluted. He respects the legend that is the crack. You should too!

If you see this crack coming toward you on the street, do not fret. This is a friendly crack. It may even hug you. Please, do not stare, and do not touch. I know it is unbearable to think of a day without touching, but you must resist. Stay strong, the force be with you, in my pants!



Sexy JJ in a sexy pose. Girls please try to contain yourselves. I know that this is not Carl or his crack, but I want you to take a good look. Don't you think I was correct in putting JJ on this page?

If this was too much, please move on to the Wesley Willis fanbase.