Welcome, I am MISTER LUKE, and you are IN MY PANTS!!!
F. B. I.


intro to me
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view with discretion
in jebus name
F. B. I.
zipper lint
my diary





respect the FBI, or we will be forced to squish your heads, and then nobody will be home!

Fat Boys Incorporated was created in the earliest of days in the year of 2000. The rules of engagement were simple:
1) You must be fat.

2) You must be invited or permitted by the Presidents.

3) You must accept the position given to you, or the Enforcer WILL take you out.

Those are the rules, simple, yet complicated to many (FBS). The third rules' stipulation of enforcement can be carried out in two ways: the Enforcer can squish your head, or he can simply block you from the data bases by proclaiming you not home. Once you are squished or blocked, you are dead to the FBI from then on.

If you think you have what it takes to be in the FBI, you are probably wrong, because many believe, but few achieve. The only advice Mister Luke can give you is this: eat long and often.

Fat Boy Slims, need not apply. FBI OUT!!!


The FBI had an official get together on July Fourth of 2000, or maybe it was the Fourth of July. It is not important. At this gathering they did watch fireworks and they did drink sodie. Everyone was fat, and the FBI was represented well. FBS was in attendance as well, and they were allowed by FBI to have fun too.

On July 8 of 2000 the Fat Boys Incorporated got together to wish one of there close friends Mango, FBS, happy birthday. Mango is 21, and he is tall. That is all, eh.

In mid-August 2000, the FBI got together with there friends the FBS at FBS president Dominic's house and had a nice little pool party. The party was enjoyed by many, and there was a nice looking girl there with a bikini that made everyone a little chubby. Not a bad pool party by any account.

School year 2000-2001, the FBI took nesecary precautions against a group known as the CIA, and threw apples, oranges, and an occasional chunk pineapple at the CIA camp trailer on Lindenwood campus. FBI was successful in not only making CIA into nothing but a camp of whining shrivelers, but aslo succeeded in destroying their trailer, which is no where to be found at this time.

July 2001, FBI and FBS gathered to celebrate something. I don't remember what now. The gathering was at Dominic's, president of FBS. Games were played, wrestling was watched, and everyone tried to get as fat as possible.

Early August 2001, two members were added to the corporation, and one member was promoted. Also steps were taken to make the webpage better in the future.


Members of the Fat Boys, Inc. who have met the requirements of the FBI, the main one being that they are fat, are listed as follows:

The Co-Presidents:
Jason Jones
Zach Young

Secretary of the Presidents: Josh Young

Elder (known in the FBI underworld as Daddio Fatty): Ron Old Young

The Enforcer: Mister Luke Young

Assistant to the Enforcer: Steve Ward (recently promoted from the lowly position of Hat Holding Fool)

FBI Evangelist: Dave Witter

F.B.I is for life! (Everyone else is just a Fat Boy Slim, yo!)


In FBS news, Mango showed that the FBS is much lower in the sociological order of things to the FBI by letting FBI family Young use his goods for the summer of 2001. FBI members would keep the items, but not only do they have big stomachs, but also big hearts.

In FBS (Fat Boys, Slims) news, Dominic, president of FBS, announced in early August of 2001 that he no longer fits in one pair of his jeans, and therefore is slowly moving into the ranks of the FBI. He was happy about this, as he well should be.

we are big